eo-sciences.com http://www.eo-sciences.com Research Paper Writing IDeas Wed, 14 Jul 2021 08:46:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.3 http://www.eo-sciences.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/478/2020/02/cropped-test-tube-32x32.png eo-sciences.com http://www.eo-sciences.com 32 32 How to Write a Great Research Paper http://www.eo-sciences.com/how-to-write-a-research-paper.html http://www.eo-sciences.com/how-to-write-a-research-paper.html#respond Wed, 14 Jul 2021 08:44:49 +0000 http://www.eo-sciences.com/?p=84 Read More →]]> A research paper is one of the most common and most feared assignments in college and high school. In most cases, people confuse a research proposal and a research paper. Although both have a similar writing process, they are different in their content. A research proposal is a simple academic writing that one uses as a persuasive tool to present a research project’s importance. We can equate a proposal to a pitch. On the other hand, a research paper is a paper you write to demonstrate your knowledge of a particular topic. Writing a research paper is quite a process, and you must understand every step of it. Knowing the processes help you to:

  1. speaking about your area of study with authority
  2. developing a thesis statement
  3. formulate ideas for your paper
  4. understanding your subject

Organize before you write

Being organized helps you stay focused and within the topic. It also helps you save time during the editing and revision as you try to understand what you have written. You need a way to present your research ideas in an organized and logical manner to make sense to the reader.

  • Thesis statement

It is a statement that provides a summary of the main research and gives an overview of the supporting points. It is a guiding tool for the readers by understanding the main objective of the research and all its details. The thesis statement often comes after the introduction. It is not mandatory to have the thesis statement, but it is always a good idea to have one for clarity purposes. Your thesis statement should align with the type of research you are doing, whether argumentative, expository, or analytical. It also helps your research paper have a flow of ideas.

  • Outline

You cannot just organize your work without having a structure. The outline provides a structure from which you can put down your ideas sequentially and clearly. It includes the use of headings, subheadings, and chapters. The outline should also help you narrow down your main points and focus on them. 


Once you have your ideas and your research paper’s structure, it is now time to start populating it. It gives you a sense of excitement and energy when you know you have all you need, and you will have a seamless and flowing writing process. You will also have a clear direction of where you need to focus your writing and get your information. A good research paper comprises three main elements: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.

  • Introduction

In the introduction, you provide the context and background of your research. It should have strong and authoritative sentences that will excited and draw the attention of the readers. You should use this section to outline the reasons for your research and how you will be approaching the subject matter.

  • Body

This section is where you put in all the details and research content. The outline will be most useful in this section because there is a lot of information and methods you will be presenting. You need them to be organized and easily understandable. You should ensure that all the information you write down speaks to the thesis statement and is relevant to the topic in the body. 

  • Conclusion

The conclusion is the final segment of your writing. It is a summary of all the content you provided in the body. Sometimes you may restate the thesis statement with affirming statements from the research findings. You should not introduce new ideas to the conclusion that are not in the body or introduction sections. 

Finally, take your time and revise your work. The editing process involves checking for grammatical errors and ensuring that your research paper meets all the requirements.

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Proven Ways to Beat Writer’s Block http://www.eo-sciences.com/tips-to-deal-with-writers-block.html http://www.eo-sciences.com/tips-to-deal-with-writers-block.html#respond Wed, 14 Jul 2021 08:40:53 +0000 http://www.eo-sciences.com/?p=86 Read More →]]> What would we refer to as writer’s block? Writer’s block can be explained as that feeling of anxiety when we can’t write down our heads’ ideas.

A writer may also feel inadequate when they perceive that their writing is considered of little value, unimaginative or unoriginal. In such a state, we become overwhelmed by the instructor’s instructions which may make us delay to start our work.


  • Stream of consciousness writing

Consciousness type of writing is found in various forms and types as they do have the same ideas. It involves just writing without even considering the sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation. The reason for conscious writing is to write for the sake of writing.

The practices of conscious writing would include: when your eyes are closed, writing whatever comes into your mind to be the topic on which you will focus, writing as you focus on how you slowly shape your letters, or just setting the alarm and writing for some few minutes, like 10 minutes.

  • Changing location

Change where you usually write from. If you are used to writing at the desk, change your position to sitting near a window. If you are used to writing at your computer, move to the dining room bench or the kitchen, a park, the library, or a coffee shop.

  • Start with the part that you are well conversant with

One may decide to start from anywhere, even if it means beginning from the middle so long as you know your topic very well. One may decide to begin with the middle part first. It does not matter how the place you want to start from because the readers will only be interested in the final work; they won’t know where you started from.

  • Techniques of relaxing

As a writer, you need to relax when you have nothing to write on. Try taking a break from writing to help you rejuvenate and take few deep breaths. It would be best if you tried some physical exercises which will make you mentally active. You may participate in many sporting activities, including playing tennis, going to the gym, or playing soccer. As you travel to those sites of relaxation, don’t forget to carry with you a notebook and a pen. Ideas may flow when you are just relaxing as the fresh blood flows to your head.

  • Talk aloud

Discuss your paper with your friends or do a voice recording of your work. Let the tape play as you record what you can hear.

  • Community and accountability

Plan for the place and time you may be with a team of other writers to write together as a team. Describe the topic that you are currently working on, the challenges you face, and the change that needs to be done. Everyone may decide to write their work silently and finally discuss whatever they write on and what needs to be improved. The accountability, community, and goal setting will help you be productive in your work.

  • Consider using the writing center

We have our writing center, whereby a writer is free to make an appointment with a tutor. We have realized an effective and productive way is to talk out writing challenges and brainstorm them with the tutors present.


We may be overwhelmed by the instructor’s instructions, which may delay starting our work. Writers should be able to find ways of overcoming writer’s block.

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The Research Paper: Making the Introduction http://www.eo-sciences.com/writing-the-research-paper-introduction.html http://www.eo-sciences.com/writing-the-research-paper-introduction.html#respond Wed, 14 Jul 2021 08:20:45 +0000 http://www.eo-sciences.com/?p=85 Read More →]]> As the initial portion of the research paper, the introduction presents the background information about what your audience is about to read. Although it does not answer your research question, it allows your readers to understand why you are making the paper in the first place. This is why it should be given the utmost attention.

If you are about to create the introduction for your paper, read on to learn how to do it.

  1. Presenting the background

Not everyone who reads your paper is an expert in the field. In fact, some readers may belong to a different field but may be interested in what you have done because of your methodology or the sample population you chose. Thus, the background must keep this in mind.

It is good to show the reader the root of your paper’s problem by presenting what happened before and what the situation is like now. Sources from newspapers or magazines are often cited here to show that this is a real-life concern.

  1. Emphasizing the significance

Another part of the intro mentions the significance of the paper. This is where the affected parties are cited, such as affected students or employees, school or government officials, and even other researchers. It is a direct way of saying, “Study this research paper well because it is meant for you.”

  1. Defining the terms

Your paper will be using several keywords that may have different meanings, depending upon who views the terms. So it is important to define the key terms of your paper to make things clearer for the reader. For example, for the term SCHOOL, this could mean any of the current levels today. So if your paper is analyzing graduate school students, then “school” for your paper is only referring to graduate school.

  1. Limiting the scope

Most problems have multiple variables involved. Upon reading the first few paragraphs of your paper, including the title, the reader may think your paper aims to tackle everything. Thus, this part of the introduction will provide the limitations of what you are doing. This explanation should be made clear at the start so that your audience does not begin to question your methods.

  1. Stating the thesis

Towards the end of the introduction, you will state the thesis. This is the position you have taken up regarding the problem. It can be for or against it, or it may be an idea of how two or more things relate to one another.

The wording of your thesis statement is very important. It must not be ambiguous, meaning the reader will not be confused about what you are trying to say. It must also not be too broad, or you may not be able to finish your project.


Those were some of the main areas of a research paper’s introduction. Hopefully, these have been clarified for you, allowing you to create this essential section of your research paper. Happy writing!

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Improve Writing Skills with Free Online Courses http://www.eo-sciences.com/improve-writing-with-free-online-courses.html http://www.eo-sciences.com/improve-writing-with-free-online-courses.html#respond Thu, 22 Apr 2021 08:27:10 +0000 http://www.eo-sciences.com/?p=79 Read More →]]> How do I benefit when I study online? Where can I find online learning courses to help me with my writing skills? To answer this and more questions, we have written this article, which covers online teaching courses for writers and students. If you have never studied the art of writing, then this is the article for you. It covers a list of sites that will help you learn more about writing at the comfort of your home!

How do the free online courses work?

Tutors post videos teaching about a topic, and then you can watch and learn at home. No extra transport cost or lunch money, which is what makes these courses very convenient. All you are required to do is enroll in the free course, and you can boost your writing skills immensely.

Here is a list to guide you through the process of choosing the right online course:

  1. A Beginner’s Guide to Writing in English for University Study

It is a course that offers details on how to improve both your grammar and knowledge of writing an essay structure. It promises to teach more about academic writing and proofread and catch errors in your essay. The course offers an advantage to students studying abroad in English-speaking regions.

  1. Academic Literacy

With this course, you not only get to enrich your writing vocabulary to perfection. But it also looks at in-depths of cohesion and coherence, intertextuality, informativity, and so much more. Making sure you boost your academic writing skills to perfection. With this course, you get to learn a lot about academic writing, making sure you can face any essay confidently.

  1. Academic and Business Writing

You get to learn the basics of writing academic papers and compares them to other writings. You get to understand research writing better when tutors compare them with essays from business writing. You also get a bonus to learn about the written communication and dissertation in the world of business. Which in turn opens up your mind to a lot of new writing ideas.

  1. How to Write an Essay

Essays are the most used type of writing in the academic world. It is, therefore, vital to take this class separately to get all the details about essay writing. Ranging from the structure of the essay, formats, and styles, creating an outline, and so much more. It also focuses on ways to proofread and catch grammar and spelling errors to ensure you write a perfect essay.

  1. Short Khan Academic Practical Course

In this course, you get to learn how an essay is analyzed in real life. It teaches ways to research and combine evidence for your paper that is convincing o the reader. It does not focus on one topic or portion of writing, giving you the advantage to choose the lesson you want to learn. It is a pool of lessons that offer knowledge on writing and formatting skills. So enroll today and find an online course that matches your need perfectly.


Many people are not aware of the existence of online learning, while others ignore it. But with the wealth of knowledge contained in these sites, you will not be disappointed. With the added advantage of no cost for taking the course, nobody should struggle with writing again. Enroll in any of the discussed online courses and watch your writing skills increase with each class you attend.

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Slaying College Papers Easily http://www.eo-sciences.com/slaying-college-papers.html http://www.eo-sciences.com/slaying-college-papers.html#respond Thu, 22 Apr 2021 08:25:17 +0000 http://www.eo-sciences.com/?p=76 Read More →]]> There are those moments in our academic life where we face many challenges; these challenges include failing to finish papers – or just having that nervousness of doing the paper well. For whatever reasons, most of us know that doing college papers is something that is very hard. Most students find it stressful to do.

However, the most important point is for you now is to have excellent work, you need to put in the effort. This guide will give you a piece of helpful advice so you can kill your papers easily. It will help you to focus your energy on other things instead of the documents. 

Put aside some days

It is effortless to procrastinate, and then you end up leaving your work until that time for handing incomes. It is one of the worst that you, as a student, can cause to yourself. When you procrastinate, you will be killing the extra time you will use to go through your work, and also, you will be rushing to finish your job – leading to low marks. 

Now the strategy here is that students don’t spend their entire time writing an essay. So they will have to do the work in bits. That is to say, they have to select a day for typing. And then they have to get another day where they will edit the work. 

Forming outline

Most people typically begin their work with the main points and the thesis. It is like a simple method that one can use. And it does not take one a lot of time. One types his sentence, and then during another time, he builds in the points. When one outlines his work, it ensures that one has critically thought of the issues and knows the workflow. When you also do this, it helps you not to go away from the topic since your points are in line.


It is something that makes most students leave their work hanging. Distractions are like notifications from social media, Twitter, WhatsApp, and other apps. These apps distract us when doing work. Please make sure you look for a quiet place, and it gives you time to think. Even you put off the T.V it is straightforward for you to go through the internet and not come back. So that is why you must also disconnect the Wi-Fi. 

Write your conclusion and introduction last

These are the sections that are very hard to write. For this reason, you have to put them down last. You see, the conclusion and the introduction are the parts that end your work and begin it, respectively. So it is better to do them after the body. After writing the body, you will find the right words to use for your introduction and the conclusion. 

Take breaks

You see, it is not suitable for you to write your paper without resting. When you sleep, the brain has time to freshen up and think clearly. And also you can decide how you want to take breaks. You can decide to take breaks after every paragraph or every section of the paper, depending on which one is convenient for you. Do not make the breaks to belong because you will have a temptation to check your phone notifications hence the procrastination.

Refer to guidelines

Every professor has a way they want their work. So as a student, you have to refer to the instructor’s guidelines. It will help you to keep in check with what the professor expects you to do. And when you check the policies, you may also get tips on researching your work. 


It affects all students, and you want to show the professor that you have good English. So you decide to use big words. Professors do not look at the terms. They look at the content. Even the big will bore your professors, giving more minor marks, although your work is outstanding.

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Writing Your College Paper Literature Review http://www.eo-sciences.com/writing-a-college-paper-literature-review.html http://www.eo-sciences.com/writing-a-college-paper-literature-review.html#respond Thu, 22 Apr 2021 08:20:01 +0000 http://www.eo-sciences.com/?p=71 Read More →]]> College often entails plenty of academic writing, something that most students dislike. It primarily stems from the extended period students have to sit and work on projects besides the immense effort required to research and write. Add to all these other student commitments, and the anticipation and zeal at the prospect of an academic paper diminish. One key aspect of any college paper entails the literature review section. It requires plenty of research and time to get it right, and therefore, it comes as no surprise to find it equally disliked by students.

Literature review writing can seem an excruciating and complex undertaking when you first start. However, with writing academic papers, the process becomes more enjoyable and less stressful because of the writing skills gained. So what can you do when you lack clear ideas on writing your literature review section?

Writing Your College Paper’s Literature Review

Before you understand the steps required to develop an excellent literature review, you need to comprehend what literature review means. Firstly, it functions as a preamble to the dissertation or research paper. Literature review always needs extensive research besides the analysis of various scholarly sources related to the study topic. Such a section in a research paper summarizes relevant and weighty publications concerning the subject under investigation. Therefore, it summarizes recent knowledge and outlook on the study issue besides offering a practical evaluation of the accessible sources. So how can your draft your literature review section? What fundamental aspects should you consider?

Guidelines to Drafting Your Literature Review

Everything can fall apart if a student gets the literature review drafting wrong. Literature review forms the backbone of your research paper and lends credence to everything you use to back your research claim. Therefore, try your best and ensure that you capture every crucial aspect required to develop an excellent literature review draft, and below some of these guidelines.

  • Define your objectives. All academic papers require a proper definition of the objectives set. Therefore, ensure that you clearly define your research goals before embarking on the literature review writing process. It entails taking a firm stand on the subject and crafting a thesis statement that proves arguable. Additionally, another essential part entails stating your research project’s objectives clearly. Ensure that the whole literature review segment gets tied to your main argument in the piece.
  • Conduct research. It becomes important to take a position before defining your study’s objective. After this, go ahead and collect all the relevant sources related to your research position and question. Ensure that every publication selected for review proves scholarly and recent. Additionally, it also becomes pivotal to identify relevant and influential scholars in your subject area before getting familiarized with their prominent publications related to your subject.
  • Base your review work on relevance. When you complete the selection process for the sources to review, it becomes crucial to proceed and summarize the publications thoroughly and carefully. Ensure that you provide context for every source and its significance or contribution to your subject. Anchor the publication’s key point to your project objectives, position, and hypothesis. Illustrate to your audience the relevance and weight of each source to the discussion.
  • Make it logical and coherent. Most students make the typical mistake of compiling their literature review as they would in an annotated bibliography. It becomes crucial to remember that as much as the literature review comprises a broader study, it also represents a complete academic paper and has to be compiled appropriately. However, to make the section coherent and logical, try and arrange it in a manner that represents the development of your argument.
  • Include bibliography. You can also decide to incorporate the compiled citation list at the tail end of the paper as much as you will not mention the author and publication names in the text. However, adhere to a citation style rule and offer an all-inclusive citation.
  • Proofread. Set your completed literature review aside and come back to edit and proofread after some time. Check aspects such as logical fallacies, style, grammar, punctuation and spelling errors, etc.


If you want to write an excellent literature review, it could help determine the guidelines provided when doing your college paper.

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How To Write A Reflection Paper http://www.eo-sciences.com/how-to-write-a-reflection-paper.html http://www.eo-sciences.com/how-to-write-a-reflection-paper.html#respond Tue, 10 Mar 2020 09:30:12 +0000 http://www.eo-sciences.com/?p=64 Read More →]]> Reflection papers are student favorites because they provide a genuine opportunity to provide your opinions or thoughts on a subject without the need to be argumentative. Often this is the kind of assignment one finds in high school and some early college courses – but it’s not rare for a reflection paper to be assigned as early as middle school and as late as graduate school.

What Is a Reflection Paper?

You might still be wondering what is reflection paper exactly? This type of assignment allows you to take a personal or subjective approach, but you still need to carefully organize the assignment and keep an academic tone throughout. You may be asked to write on a specific subject (a book, a movie, a piece of art, etc.) or choose something that affects you on a personal-level (an experience, an achievement, a relationship, etc.).

How to Start a Reflection Paper

Because you need to express your opinions or thoughts on a subject, you need to be sure to identify what those are right from the start. Don’t discuss your background if it’s unrelated to the subject of the paper; stick with thoughts and opinions and place them into context without going in-depth. It’s a great idea to create an outline before jumping into how to begin a reflection paper. The subject should be introduced early, followed by any questions you have related to the subject.

End the introduction with a well-developed thesis statement. This sentence should guide the rest of the assignment. Each of your body paragraphs should directly relate to the main idea you are trying to express. This is why it is important to create an outline before you start writing the draft. It will help keep your opinions and thoughts throughout.

How to End a Reflection Paper

The conclusion to this assignment needs to leave an impactful impression on the reader. It’s your last chance to show that your ideas and opinions are fully-formed and effectively communicated. You need to end with strong images that encourage the reader to form a reflection of his or her own. The best way on how to end a reflection paper is to achieve three things: 1) it must highlight the main points made in the body paragraphs, 2) it needs to incorporate language that persuades the reader to appreciate your ideas, and 3) it must mirror your introduction by answering any questions you included at the start.

While this assignment allows you to express your thoughts without having to be argumentative and having to provide factual evidence, you cannot take the assignment too lightly. It is still an important type of writing that you need to master through lots of practice. If you feel you are having trouble organizing your thoughts, a professional writer can show you how to write a reflection paper that can earn you the highest possible score. We’re an agency that can provide you with custom college paper writing help, just contact us to discuss your needs.

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What Is an Abstract in a Paper? http://www.eo-sciences.com/what-is-an-abstract-in-a-paper.html http://www.eo-sciences.com/what-is-an-abstract-in-a-paper.html#respond Tue, 10 Mar 2020 09:28:35 +0000 http://www.eo-sciences.com/?p=62 Read More →]]> A research paper abstract’s primary function is to summarize the most important parts of a research paper (or another type of assignment). It allows students to elaborate on those parts and help a potential reader decide whether or not he or she wants to read the entire work. An abstract for a paper serves an important function because, in the research and academic worlds, readers do not have the time to spend several hours going over a document and the abstract helps them quickly scan whether the research paper is important or related to their research studies.

What is the Abstract of a Paper?

To answer the question “what is an abstract in a paper,” it is a summary of the research questions, methods, observations, and results. All of this done within 300 words (usually the standard of a good paper abstract and carefully utilize keywords to be indexed in databases for faster searches. It is placed at the start of a research paper as a standalone section and is a requirement for most research studies conducted at the college-level and above.

How to Write an Abstract for a Research Paper?

  1. Review the Assignment’s Requirements

    Each academic discipline has a set of rules it requires research papers to follow. Your instructor might also have additional requirements you need to know. Don’t waste your time making mistakes from the start. Review the requirements and highlight the key elements.

  2. Write the Research Paper Abstract Last

    Make sure you have completed every part of the research paper before starting the abstract. Even though this section is placed at the beginning, it serves as a summary of the entire document and is written much more easily when you have all of our source content organized.

  3. Define the Type of Paper Abstract You Need

    While an abstract for a paper accomplishes the same thing, the three different types are critical, descriptive, and informative. The main difference is that an informative one provides results and a critical one may incorporate a relationship to the author’s other published works.

  4. Identify the Main Parts of the Research Paper

    Take your research paper and highlight all of the major sections and arguments made throughout. These can be rewritten to create the essential parts of the abstract for a paper. Don’t copy and paste; rewrite the material while keeping the main ideas.

  5. Make Sure to Include Essential Components

    The essential components must identify your purpose, state your research questions, provide your method of study, state the results (without opinion), present your hypothesis, and give your conclusion. Remember to keep this section within the limits of the specific requirements or no more than 300 words.

A research paper abstract allows readers to understand the essence of your study. A well-written abstract will quickly let the reader decide if he or she should keep reading, so you must provide all essential information without surpassing the recommended word length. If you want feedback on your paper abstract, our academic writing experts can review, edit, and proofread your work. We can also handle the entire research project, so you don’t have to spend hours searching where you can pay someone to write my paper. Just give us a call, email, or chat with us and we’ll connect you with a qualified expert to handle your request.

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